Looking for the Total Package? NICKSON has it all!!

Outcross bull 307HO00006 NICKSON breeds the Total Package into your herd: Production, Type & Health.

Outcross bull 307HO00006 NICKSON breeds the Total Package into your herd: Production, Type & Health.


Since NICKSON (Josuper x Numero Uno x Time) received his first proof in September 2015, he has shown the world to have a real stable breeding value. All the traits in his April 2018 breeding values are equal or even higher compared with the start in 2015.


NICKSON daughters are high milk producers with high components: +0,12 % Fat en +0,05 % Protein. His breeding value for SCS scores with 2.75 really low . With a SCE of 6.7, he is a perfect partner for your heifers. NICKSON has excellent scores for Productive Life (+6.7) and Daughter Pregnancy Rate (+2.6). NICKSON is one of the view bulls within the Holstein Friesian population, who breeds longer teats than average (+0.69).


Because his line-up is really complete, NICKSON easily can be used within your herd.


Dam: Tir-Abn N.U. Nyala VG-86             MGD: Tirsvad BT Noma VG-89