New released sires at AI-Total

AI-Total is happy to present you new bulls in their portfolio:515HO00406 Aurora MUSTANGMustang is a +2943 GTPI / +930 Net Merit Supercharge son bred by Aurora Ridge Dairy, USA (breeder Mitchell).He provides the A2A2 and BB caseines in combination with super HEALTH figures:+0.5 DPR/ 2.85 SCS/ +1.1 FI/ +5.3 PL/ 2.1% SCEPRODUCTION+1332 lbs Milk/ +0.10% Fat/ +0.04% Proteinand overall TYPE:+1.69 PTAT/ +0.68 Stature/ +1.28 Dairy Form/ +2.67 Rear Udder With / +2.52 Rear Udder HeightThis family goes back on 5 generations VG-dams to Aurora Mega-Man 9895 VG-85-USA, a new upcoming cow family!MUSTANG will be available conventional and sexed.

Grand dam MUSTANG: Aurora Expresso 17922 VG-88-USA DOM
Projected with: 305d 14.565kgM 4.2% 606F 3.4% 499P515HO00402 Siemers TAO PRADAHe is a Toas son from the outstanding Siemers GRT Parini 28262 EX-91-USA @ Siemers Holsteins.He provides a solide PRODUCTION:+777 lbs Milk / +0.21% Fat/ +0.09% Protein resulting in +140 lbs Combined Fat + ProteinOptimum HEALTH traits:2.86 SCS/ +1.7 DPR/ +0.9 LIV/ +1.8 FIGreat TYPE figures:+1.72 Stature/ +1.22 Teat Length/ +12.9 Rear Legs - Side View/ +2.97 Fore Udder Attachment/ +1.70 PTATResulting in +2937 GTPI and +785 NM$ with as well A2A2 and BB!!Prada goes back on the Welcome Goldwyn Penya VG-89-USA DOM family.PRADA will be available conventional and sexed.

Dam PRADA: Siemers GRT Parini 28262 EX-91-USA